Nourishing Souls to Flourish in the Mercy and Grace of Jesus Christ
through Welcoming, Worshiping, Learning, & Serving

Join us online at these links
We welcome you to these worship services and conversations in whatever mode of participating that suits you best this week - in person, on the live stream or watching later on our YouTube channel for the worship services, or in our Zoom room for the Bible Study.
Sunday Morning Worshiping on Feb 9 at 10:30am
Celebrating Holy Communion at the Lord's Table
If join us on our live stream, click here.
We're doing our initial considerations of the parable of the wedding banquet in Matthew 22:1-14.
Our Word to Ponder is "Invited."
Enlightening Judeo-Christian Conversations
Tues, Feb 11, at 7pm
We'll be considering further the parable of the wedding banquet
Join us in our Zoom salon by clicking here.
Jazz Evensong on Wed, Feb 12, at 8pm
Marcus Mosely with Diane Lines and Tim Porter
Join us on our live stream by clicking here.
The Prodigal Son and Sower parable paintings are by Laura Zerebeski
and represent the hospitality, hope, and healing
our triune Creator offers through Brentwood.

Thank you for your interest in how the Creator is nourishing souls to flourish in the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ at Brentwood Presbyterian Church through the work of the Holy Spirit in worship, learning, fellowship, and service.
Through participation in these activities, we are confident that the Creator’s forgiving and reconciling love, given to us freely in Jesus Christ and at work among us faithfully in the Holy Spirit, provides welcome, wonder, wisdom, and witness that will embrace you as you are and encourage you to grow further into God’s justice, kindness, and humility.
You will find here a holy hospitality that heals.
Where we are welcomed, amazed, taught and equipped by the God of love
Sunday Morning Worship 10 am - Wednesday Jazz Evensong 8 pm
Where we are inspired and enlightened for living as blessings in the world
Where we are accepted and provoked as beloved friends of God
Where we find ways to use our gifts to spread God's love
Where we imagine ways of strengthening and supporting this missioning
Rev. Dr. Brian Fraser
(604) 924-9650
1600 Delta Avenue
Burnaby BC, V5B 3G2
Copyright © | 2020 | Brentwood Presbyterian Church | All rights reserved.