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Presbyterians have long seen themselves as ambassadors (presbeuo in Greek) of the Gospel of the Creator’s forgiving and reconciling love embodied definitively in Jesus, the Christ, and transforming this world as the Holy Spirit works in and through human beings, in addition to all the other life-giving dynamics the world enjoys.  That’s a lot to get your soul around.  It invites learning more about how we are loved in order to be loving.  It encourages us to constantly learn how to be more faithful, wise, and effective in our particular contexts.  That’s what learning at Brentwood seeks to provoke.

Exploring Its Message & Meaning

What We Believe

Short Book Reviews

Healing & Reconciliation


Image by Melany Gleeson-Lyall used with permission

We acknowledge with respect and gratitude that the Brentwood building sits on the unceded lands of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil Waututh nations with whom we are kin in the care of the Creator’s gifts to us.

©2020 by Brentwood Presbyterian Church.

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